The La Jara Farmers Market, serving all of Conejos County, is set to open for its second season Friday, July 31, and will run through September 4. The Market, started by the La Jara Downtown Revitalization Committee, promises to be better than last season. By buying locally made arts, crafts, and produce, we support our local economy and lifestyle. The market features local farmers, gardeners, artists, crafts people and entertainment by local talents(Lori Kester (July 31), Los Cancioneros del Valle (August 7), Donald Garcia (August 14), Antonito High School Band ( August 21), Eric Shively ( August 28), and Sage Larsen(September 4).
Open each Friday from 3pm -7pm, the Market is located at the Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church in La Jara.
For more information, or to become a vendor, call Lisa, 274-0104. Buy Fresh! Buy Local!
We have added a link on the right side of this blog which will connect you to the La Jara Market update. It currently has info about last year's events. We will try to keep you posted on the events.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
La Jara Market
Posted by La Jara at 1:46 PM 0 comments
June 11, 2009
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of La Jara was called to order by Mayor Austin Valdez at 7:10 pm. The roll was called. Present: Paula Medina, Patrick Montoya arrived at 7:20 pm, Tiffanie Polkowske, Henry Schimpf and Mayor Austin Valdez. Absent: Earl Haslett, and Larry Zaragoza. Also present: Maintenance Supervisor Keith Martinez, Chief of Police Richard Pena, Town Clerk Priscilla Schimpf, Building Inspector Joseph Trottner, Town Attorney Ray Valdez and Town Manager Bill Yohey. Guests: Larry Winget - Conejos County Citizen, Aaron Polkowske and Larry Sisneros. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests: Aaron Polkowske – He approached the Board regarding the bill sent to him for Christine Chick who resided at his rental located at 110 2nd Street. They did have a signed rental agreement with Christine stating she is fully responsible for all utilities. Ray explained that he met with Keith, Paul, Priscilla and Bill yesterday June 10th and discussed this issue and decided that Janice mistakenly did not enter this account into the Caselle Billing Program. Ray also explained that there was an ordinance 2006-1 that stated that all residences that have water and sewer availability should pay the minimum usage at all times, which is not being done at this present time. Ray suggested implementing this immediately. Another ordinance 1989-1 states that whenever any rate, fees, tolls and charges or any combination remain unpaid by such owner’s tenant who occupied or who occupies said premises neglects, fails, or refuses to pay the owner is ultimately responsible for charges that have been properly and lawfully assessed. In this case since it was a negligence of the town Ray recommends that we don’t charge the Polkowske’s liable and go after Christine Chick for payment. A motion to send a demand letter to Christine Chick for W/S charges and not hold the Polkowske’s liable was made by Paula and seconded by Patrick. A roll call vote was taken: Paula-yes, Patrick-yes, Tiffanie-abstain, Henry-yes and Austin-yes. Motion Carried. Mr. Polkowske left at 7:30 pm.
Town Manager: Bill informed the Board that we did get approved for the DOLA Planning Grant for the Lagoons. We also received the contract agreement from Cort Nickel for the lagoons which Austin is looking over. Once Austin signs the contract Bill will call the state to let them know everything is a go. He also stated that we received the Planning Grant from the Historical Society to finish up the Town Hall restoration and Ray is looking it over. The roof is done and a very well job was done. He reviewed with the Board information obtained from the water meetings. He suggests sub-contracting with the sub-district which will include Alamosa and La Jara and Ray corrected him by saying that we should form our own sub-district. Paula asked about Bill’s first item on his report and bill explained it to the Board. It was in regards to a lady calling and asking for the names of the board members who was rude to Irene. We haven’t heard anything else from this woman. The report was accepted upon a motion by Henry and a second by Paula. Motion Carried.
Building Inspector: He reviewed his written report with the Board. The report was accepted upon a motion by Tiffanie and a second by Henry. Motion Carried.
Court: The Board reviewed the Municipal Judge report. Ray stated that he did confront the Judge on the concerns from last month’s meeting. Everything is going well. The report was accepted as presented upon a motion by Patrick and a second by Paula. Motion Carried.
Police: Richard stated that they have been finding a lot of business doors unlocked. Just wants to advice all business owners to double check their doors at closing time. Also informed the Board that Dan is gone on Leave of Absence with the National Guard. Traffic has been really slow. Richard heard that the LJPD has gotten a reputation from Avon and Vail stating that you do not speed through La Jara because they will catch you. Ray suggested for Richard to confront kids riding their bikes on the sidewalks. The police report was accepted upon a motion by Patrick and a second by Henry. Motion Carried.
Maintenance: Keith stated that he spoke with Austin in regards to the applicants for Mosquito Sprayer Driver and they thought Roque Villagomez was the best qualified applicant. Austin told Keith to go ahead and let him learn the route and such but don’t promise him anything until the board is spoken to. Henry asked if the ordinance that states no close relatives to be employed would affect hiring Roque. Ray read the clause of the ordinance that pertains to relatives and it does not comply. A motion to hire Roque was made by Patrick and seconded by Henry. A roll call vote was taken: Paula-yes, Patrick-yes, Tiffanie-yes, Henry-yes and Austin-abstain. Motion Carried. Tiffanie asked if the spraying was being done twice a day or once a day. Keith stated that spraying twice a day every day is not recommended. You can do twice a day every other day but it is only being done once a day everyday.
Paula asked about their reimbursement for their retirement match that they paid two months in advance. Keith said that they met with Cassandra and got it resolved. Priscilla cut them a check for it.
Henry asked how it went with the manhole behind Ann’s CafĂ©. Keith stated that it was jetted but they could only get so far, they recommended replacing the piping but it is on state highway. It was asked how the concrete at the Video Store was going; it was suggested to buy a mixer. Keith will look at prices. Austin mentioned that the Maintenance Department needs a computer, the one they have is very outdated. A price on a dell was passed around – priced at $249.00 and has what they will need on it. A motion to purchase the computer was made by Patrick and seconded by Paula. Motion Carried.
Austin got a complaint from Dale Cornum – when it rains or snows it floods and goes right into his shop, he asked if the town could put drainage and dirt to prevent this. Keith will go and look at it and get a better idea of what he is planning on doing and bring it up at the next board meeting. A discussion will be held then. The maintenance report was accepted upon a motion by Tiffanie and a second by Patrick. Motion Carried.
Henry – Asked whose dirt is that across from the Police Department. It was stated that it is 1st Stops. It was thought to be contaminated.
Tiffanie – She mentioned that they got both the surfacing and playground approved for the La Jara Park N’ Play. The GOCO grant is a yes. On June 22nd they will be leveling the ground. They will be fencing the grounds in September or October. Tiffanie wants to setup a committee to see what can be done with the park on the north end of town. Austin thought it would be nice for Jill to work on a grant or something to get something going over there. Tiffanie will work on forming a committee.
Patrick – Complimented Keith and Paul on the good job they have done with the potholes. He also brought up that he would like to see a sheet with Bill’s report on comp. time, sick and vacation.
Paula – She has gotten a lot of positive attitude towards the street name change to Joe S. Chavez Drive. They would like to have a dedication to the street name. Ray stated it would need to be recorded with the county. A letter will be sent to Joanne Ruybal with dates and she can circulate. She also wanted to remind the board that this is a board of seven (7) not one (1) and she had Ray explain the legality of this issue. It was said that it was voted on at a previous meeting that we would let the head departments spend up to $1,000 at their discretion on their budgets without confronting the board. Priscilla will double check the minutes to see if it was discussed and what actual motion was made.
Austin – Had nothing to report.
Attorney: Ray has been in various meetings with the other lawyers. He reviewed the appeal cases with the Board. He prepped Lucas for the Shannon Hoyt case and Lucas did get her convicted, he did very well. Ray feels that he would be able to do a lot better next time. The Billy Gonzales case was represented by Keith Vance and they put up a heck of a fight. Ray prepped Richard extensively for this case and also got a conviction on this one. The trail on the Billy Gonzales case lasted three hours. Beth gave a lot of credibility to Richard due to his years of experience on the police force and investigation. Ray mentioned that the bill he submitted to the Town included the prepping for these two cases which was in the amount to $700 for these two cases.
Clerk: Priscilla asked if she could place an ad in the Valley Courier for the temporary clerk position. It was stated to go ahead and place in the newspaper. It was mentioned that Bill talked to Amanda Crowther from the bank about the position and she might be interested. Amanda also spoke with Lori Smith which also might be interested.
Patrick asked Ray if Anna Mondragon can send her son to renew her liquor license and Ray said she could. The report was accepted as presented upon a motion by Tiffanie and a second by Paula. Motion Carried.
Approval of Minutes:
Regular Meeting May 21, 2009 – Motion by Paula, 2nd by Henry. Motion Carried.
Follow-Up of Minutes: None.
Approval of Bills:The bills were approved for payment upon a motion by Tiffanie and a second by Patrick. Motion Carried.
Tiffanie asked what porta potties we pay for. It was said at both parks – Town Hall Park and the park on Walnut. She had thought that it would be nice for the Town to pay for the one at the baseball field that Annette Chavez presently pays for out of courtesy.
Other Business:
Richard stated that there were no bids on the police car.
Keith stated that they are only doing the sidewalk on the side of the Video Store and not at the Pharmacy. It was brought up that the pine tree that was donated needs water – it is getting watered now. It wasn’t able to get watered because the roofing people had their tractor in the way.
Kendra Baroz and Erica Martinez brought in their applications for a Special Reviews Use. The committee consists of Austin Valdez, Patrick Montoya, Henry Schimpf, Lorraine Montoya and Jim Hoogendoorn. Priscilla will send a letter to each member and to the applicants informing them of the meeting being held on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 6:00 pm.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Paula. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.
Posted by La Jara at 1:20 PM 0 comments